Friday, October 19, 2012

Complement Not Complete

Found this draft I never posted. I wrote it May 2, 2011, but it still seems worth posting so here it is:

A while ago the Pastor at my church did a sermon series on relationships. I just happened to hear something today that reminded me of something he said that has stuck with me, “God designed men & women to complement each other, not complete each other.”

I really like that statement. It reminds me that our identity, value, self-worth, etc. must come first from knowing that we are a child created in the image of God. This is the only way we can feel complete. If we don’t start there, then we set ourselves up for hardship.

Inevitably, the people we love will let us down, disappoint us, and even hurt us. If we are honest, we will do the same to those we love. I know I have. I have hurt those closest to me, because of my own selfishness. Getting past this is not easy, because it’s unnatural for us to think of others first. It’s hard for us to rely only on God, and it’s hard not to seek fulfillment from people and things in our world.

I know cognitively what am I supposed to do to fix this in my life. I have been a pastor, I have taught about this, and talked with people about it a lot. Even with all that knowledge, practically I fail at this, but I don’t know why. So I’m praying. I’m asking God to change me, to help me know and feel that He is enough for me, to help me think of others before myself, and to forgive and forget when someone wrongs me. I’m praying that God makes me more like Jesus everyday.

I know I’m not saying anything new or profound, but maybe you can relate, maybe you can say, “me too.” If that’s the case, I ask that you would pray for me, and I would love to pray for you as well.

Our world would be so much different if we would all learn this simple principle that Jesus taught us; to Love God with all that we are, and Love others the same way. I can’t wait for Heaven when that is a reality!

Thanks for reading my blog. May God richly bless you as you seek to follow Him and do His will.

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